Friday, April 17, 2009

April 15

Up at 6:15. Heavy rain and thunder over night but I didn’t hear a thing. Hilary, the owner of my B&B offered to drive me to work this morning taking my large suitcase and two other bags. That was a great offer and I took her up on it storing my stuff until after work. She has been very nice to me and I will take her to supper in the next few weeks. A picture of her appears on today’s posting.
Today at the gardens I finished lifting the daffodils at the arch and the ones I had given away last night are still there. Once those gardens were done, I started on the Rock Garden just down from the arch as advised by Jim yesterday. This consisted of edging, and digging up a group of Arum that have been causing problems with traditional arum and are considered a noxious weed. These and another plant both have to be collected separately and incinerated. Also removed a section of woodruff that had become quite vigorous and overstepped its bounds. Hand weeded the rest of the bed including scraping moss and lungwort from the beds. One of the pictures today shows me actually working so you don’t think I’m just making this up. That took me until just after lunch when I started edging another bed just across from it that had not been touched for some time. Jim has offloaded several trays of Cyclamin which I expect we will plant tomorrow at the arch. At 4:00 he arrived and marked off a new design for the rock garden which I will edge tomorrow. This end of the gardens seems to have been assigned to me and it is a pleasure to have their confidence. I usually work alone and unsupervised. This morning Jim asked just how long I planned to be here so he could determine the best use he can make of me.

It was a lovely sunny day, the hottest so far - 20. One of the staff offered to drive me and my luggage to my new accommodation; did I say it was right across from a pub? Well it is, the Selsey Arms, specializing in Thai food – what kind of a pub is that? At any rate I got settled in. It is a room in a house, good size comfortable bed and a bureau big enough to hold all my clothes, a rack for all my hanging shirts – man did I pack too much! They have a wireless internet but I can’t connect but at least there is a separate computer in my room that I have to myself. The lady of the house, Cathy and her husband Nigel with her daughter Lucy are nice folks. They provide all my food and the cost is only 20 pounds a day. First nights supper was banger’s and mash with vegetables and good bangers they were. The deal is I cook my own breakfast and pack my own lunch but she provides all the ingredients. I’ve included a picture of the outside of the house and the bedroom. Off to bed at 10:00.

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